Sunday, February 17, 2008

Challenge of short writing

I've noticed my posts being a little long ... Plus it's staff reporting season and we've got some rather strict limits on what we can put on the forms.

Silly limits too ... We have a section where we can write about what we've done through the year. This section has about 4-5 inches of gap to write in but we're only allowed 1350 characters. That's not words - it's characters, including spaces, full stops and carriage returns*. Even sillier is the section later on where we say whether we agree with what Da Management have to say. This one has about 2-3 inches of gap but we're allowed around 1600 characters. This section is usually a robotic "I agree with Da Management" comment anyway.

I've managed to put in the evidence that I wanted to put in, mainly by writing one draft and savagely compressing it. It still looks readable ... It's important cos there's enough cash riding on the reports to buy a telly or a computer. Not planning to do either in the near future but it's good to have extra cash around, especially when it's wrestled from the cold, undead hands of the people who control the money for the place I work for.

I'm getting close to that staff reporting limit now, so it's time to turn back to listening to iTunes while having my Baldur's Gate 2 party storm through a keep clearing out the squatters so I can take it over as my stronghold.

*(to show how much that spaces counting against the limit hurts, before I added this footnote, this post was 251 words, 1,112 characters with another 243 characters coming from spaces. Bring out the Big Long Words !)


  1. Ah, but you should sleep well knowing that the silly size spaces to write in are all in the name of "fairness". [cough].

    Thanks for your comment(s) on my blog. The narrow minded attitude is starting to turn but anyone who thinks we are there yet is very much deluding themselves I'm afraid. Of course, when it comes down to individuals you cna meansure that from the truly enlightened right through to the pig ignorant bigot as on the TV program.

    Good luck with the report writing.

  2. I think we'll probably need a couple of generations for the attitudes to die out though ...

    A lot of it is passed down in families, starting from the blueroom/pinkrooms of nurseries ... I guess I'm lucky to have been brought up by people more open minded than that :-)

  3. Staff reporting? I wonder what's going on. I think the flu has got my head spinning. From michele's.


So much for anonymous commenting ... If you would like to leave a message and don't have a suitable account, there's an email address in my profile.