Saturday, February 23, 2008

Blunt Force Trauma

Just watched the final Rocky film. Wow.

I'm a sports fan and will usually find time to take a peek at all sports. Except boxing. I see boxing as one of the more ugly barbarous sports out there, it's just two people trying to beat each other senseless, with not really that much skill involved. I admire skill in sport more than sheer power or athletic ability, so I tend to ignore stuff that doesn't involve skill.

So what's a non-boxing fan doing watching Rocky ? It's not just the fight in one of these, it's how they build up to it. This one has an old guy who's still fighting for what he believes in but now he's fighting out of the ring. Genuine nice guy who likes to help people out. I think when I get this one on dvd, I'll be watching more for the out of ring stuff.

When it gets to the fight though, they show everything. Power, commitment, heart. The punches fly and oh yes - it really looks like they hurt. Which it's supposed to ... There's a lot of censorship that goes on in action films/tv which I don't understand. Show the effects, the full effects and you'll show the full consequences of either shooting someone or thumping someone. And seeing those consequences (on a movie screen) will hopefully stop someone from pulling the trigger someday. There is a line between what's suitable and what's sick though, in terms of what some writers/directors will put on screen.

Doh - me ranting again (future blog post coming about some guy who got grief for saying he was taking guns to a party).

Rocky Balboa - has brutal action sequences in the fight at the end but for motivational power, well - I'm thinking of getting up and taking a run around the block, even though I have one pulled calf muscle and another complaining calf muscle :-). It would do me good and I've run off worse injuries before ...

"Marie: The last thing to age on somebody is their heart "

PS Hallmark just caught my eye, they're about to show : Blue Butterfly. Might be worth a peek :-)


  1. Hi, Sleepypete! I am not a boxing fan either, but Rocky movies are more about the people and the process, aren't they? I haven't seen one since the second came out, I think. Michele sent me this morning.

  2. I've not seen any of the Rocky films. I'm probably the only person in the Western world who can say that..... I don't like boxing, but that'snot the reason I haven't seen them. just Life really, each time one has come out, there has been a different reason I can't go to the cinema. This time round it's just finding the time.....

  3. Took a while before I caught this one - I've had it waiting on Skyplus for a few weeks until I had a gap to watch it in. Miami Vice has been there for longer ...

    Missed it at the cinema though.

  4. I saw Rocky IV at the cinema and loved it. I agree that it is one of the most inspirational films I have seen in a long time.

    I have to defend the art of pugilism though. There is an awful lot of skill involved in boxing and it really isn't just slugging it out, especially when you see some of the lighter weights boxing. Think of it more as a martial art as there is the same degree of skill involved in finding the opening, selecting the attack, evasion and blocking. I must admit though that I was never a huge fan until I started doing boxing training. Man those guys have to be fit. It really opened my eyes up to the sport.

  5. [big grin] Maybe I'm too squeamish to enjoy watching too much of it ...

    Gotta say - the people who go into boxing as a sport know what they're getting into with the physical dangers. You have to have respect for people who throw themselves headlong into dangerous situations (fire, cops, servicemen, boxers, paramedics), knowing full well that they could get seriously hurt.

    Plus - and I'm writing this last bit just as a news story about a footballer injuring another player came up - boxers do have their code of honour to fight by and they stick by it. They don't cheat, they don't quit. It puts them far above certain other sports ... (football is a good game to play but it's let down badly by its players)

  6. I havn't seen Rocky and I noticed today that the UK Odeon chain has decided ot to show the latest Stallone film, although they don't seem to be saying why.

    Intriguing. And Hi - Michele sent me here today!


  7. Just seen the tackle on Eduardo - I really hope the guy plays again. The aftermath is that bad looking that I'm fearing that the young 'un may not get into football again.

    Looked like an honest tackle though, just extremely bad timing.


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