Sunday, November 29, 2020

Well that was a race, also impending advent

Well that was a race ... 
Also, impending advent link on the post on the new place :
One note on that post, I talk in reasonable detail about a horror crash today in the Grand Prix. The important thing is that the driver is ok. But I would advise a massive Caution Warning about anything you see about today's race (including my post at the link) if you have car accident or similar trauma.
That racing incident today, mental trauma and advent. (That probably needs an Oxford comma somewhere)

Sunday, November 22, 2020

To Mars and Beyond ?

New game, what's this ?

Health, game, space, annoying bot and I still can't look at the site from the work account (I know I have a few people who'd like to follow it through there over lunchtime !)

Sunday, November 15, 2020

More views from lockdown

Hello everyone,

More views from lockdown and beyond on the new site :
I talk about Birthdays, games, spaceships, CAKE. Also figured out how to make image open properly although why this new blogger editor adds in a space at the start of every post is a mystery.

Sunday, November 08, 2020

Round the World, round the galaxy ?

Hi everyone,

New post up at the new place :

This one is about the Internet spaceships, a little bit about mental health, a game I just started starring a delivery driver in a Bladerunner style city and round the world yacht races.

Monday, November 02, 2020

Brave New Keyboard ... and Lockdown

New post !

At the new place ...

I talk about being out and about a little bit, new techie thing, lockdown and Brave New Resemblance of World.

Oh and the new place still isn't working at work yet.