Sunday, February 12, 2006

Not much today

I'm a bit frustrated by the end of today's Molten Core run ... I didn't quite get to the point where I switched my mic off (I tend to mutter things that shouldn't be overheard!) but was very, very close ...

I think one of the sources of my frustration is that my two top characters are the mage and the tank and it was the tanks that were causing us problems at the end of today's run. Trouble is, I can't tank and mage at the same time. It just gets frustrating when you know there's something eating away all the healers and you know that someone isn't doing something about that. For the main fights, you can see what's happening through target management. You can also see when people aren't doing their job ... and we get a few of those.

The other part of my frustration is that even though we have lots of competition for places, we still get lazy people who don't pull their weight. Ony of my mage jobs is to cast that thing that makes people have more intellect (almost said "smarter" but it only does stats of a character, does nothing about the person playing). Seems like I'm often the only mage (of five!) who actually does that part of the job. Wonder what the other mages will think if they don't get picked in preference to someone who does do that job ... May have to go on strike for a raid or two, although the raid leaders already know I'm concerned.

Rant about freeloaders and the skill-challenged over, time to do something that'll distract me away from this irritated mood I'm currently in.

Addon - the thing distracting me out of the irritation can be found at Check it out ! (I tried to put the link in a comment but my html skillz aren't up to that yet)

1 comment:

  1. Heh - the thing that distracted me rather successfully can be found at [url][/url]

    Check it out ! Normal service now resumed, although the picture I have on my laptop and PC desktops probably helped.


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