Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Crazy stuff ...

Another World of Warcraft post ...

We've got an issue with Guildlink where we have people complaining that they aren't getting picked to go to the big Molten Core instance. However, when you give them the opportunity to go, they're not signing up ! Crazy. If they don't take the opportunity when it's presented, pretty soon the opportunities won't be offered.

I've done my bit, I've signed up as a person who'd like to go to the first (i.e. learner) run and have declared that I won't be going on the second (i.e. experienced) run. Conveniently enough, I have an indoor cricket match on the first day of that second run, which keeps me out of it. Otherwise, I'd have had to choose whether or not to sign up to both. Despite a lock-in thing, I can do that, because I have the two separate characters. And I'd be happy to, because my experience would be helping out that first run, which will have a bunch of new people in it.

However ... It seems like a heap of people who could sign up aren't ... I don't know. It strikes me as selfish freeloading. They think that by going on the experienced run, they'll have an easier ride through to getting the good loot that drops from the boss targets. I think that's it. Another thing that it could be is that there is a second run being set up as well, which could be getting in the way. The second run is a 20 person run into that Zul'Gurub jungle place.

I hope the learner run gets off the ground, however at the moment there are only about 10 sign ups for a 40 person raid. Need more people ! I've done my bit by signing up and I think I've got at least 2 more experienced people to sign up through making them feel guilty. Ha !

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