Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Arg Leadership ! Take it away

Found out this morning that I might be captaining the indoor cricket side on Thursday ...

Well, hopefully I can slope shoulders that off to another fella who is better at it than me. (Still affected by my ear, but return of The Bounce Factor means I'm dealing with it better)

Anyway, Thursday's going to see the return of The Brain, coupled with the return of the bruised and battered fingers. The Brain can bowl rather quickly. Think there's dents in the wall still from when we played with a harder ball. It also sees the introduction of The Tall Guy, who I'm eyeing from a crooked neck position (yep - he be that tall !) wondering what it'll be like to keep wicket to him. We also have the Pitied One playing, so I'll have to put on my special smiley mask when talking to him. (He's the Pitied One because the poor fella is going out with my ex). And then there's the Old Fogey and the Unsung Hero.

And then there's the Eternal Cripple (me !). I'm hoping that the Old Fogey will take over the reins for the actual game on Thursday as I'll have enough to think about with keeping wicket.

Looking forward to trying to turn a match report into a Thursday Thirteen ...

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