Friday, December 22, 2017

Day 22 and we're walking ...

22nd Day of the Advent !

What's in the box ... what's in the BOX !
Aww ...

Cute little AT-ST walker. Needs to munch on some Ewoks to make him grow up big and strong. This makes me think of something I posted the other day ...
I've quite enjoyed the post a day format so far this month, although it is becoming a bit of a pull now to figure out stuff to say.

Perhaps that's partly down to being in the games instead of being around the people. People bring ideas, bring randomness that feed the ideas.

How is the game going ? I'm pretty sure this is a win now.
Mine are the Blood Red stain, spreading across the south side of the galaxy. I have a border to a Fallen Empire now, fighting those didn't go too well last time. The rest of the galaxy is banding together in an alliance in a vain attempt to stand against the Berserker horde. But that'll wait for a few days.

Back to the walkers !
I blew the dust off the big one especially. I have a mini AT-AT as well. Wouldn't mind having a decent sized AT-ST or AT-AT walker, although I'm not too keen on the new Last Jedi walker.

Back to watching Salvation for me ! It's a Netflix series about an asteroid threatening the Earth with extinction ... and our response. Intriguing ...

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