Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Advent Day 11 : Butterscotch Python with Turret

Hello everyone,

We've reached Day 11 ! Actually sketches today. I've been watching Salvation series 2 on Netflix, which means the display I use for sketching on digitally gets used for watching the Netflix. However ... I have a small drawing pad ...

But first, what's behind the doors today ?
Confession - I made an error yesterday. I mistook one Krogan for another. Instead of Urdnot Wrex, it was Grunt. One Krogan scientist's answer to the genophage was to ignore it ... He believed that the characteristics selected by the genophage was the ability to survive it, not the characteristics of the ideal Krogan. So he set out to make the perfect Krogan, Grunt was born and introduced in the second game. Another rough, tough, fighter and he gets his own "fate" scene in the third game. Another super powerful scene that tugs on your emotions, pretty much like all the Mass Effect games.

Today we have Legion, a Butterscotch marshmallow and a gun turret.

The marshmallow survived as long as was needed to take a picture ... but just barely. I need more posh marshmallows in my life.

If you remember Tali from a few days ago, the reason her race, the Quarians, were exiled from their homeworld was due to the rise of the artificial lifeforms, the Geth. The Geth started as servitor robots but one day, they started asking questions like "Does this unit have a soul ?" and other demonstrations of impending sentience. The Quarians reacted badly to this and attempted to shut them down ... resulting in an uprising where the Quarians lost.

Legion enters the story in Mass Effect 2, as a Geth who also becomes part of the team. Legion acquires their own story and even though they are devoid of emotions, they are every bit as powerful as the rest of the team. Or maybe they do have emotions, wrapped up in code, unravelled in the mysteries of the network and as unfathomable as the figures at the last decimal places.

Elitecember's theme today is "Python" and I have a hell of a ship to show you today :
That paint job is magnificent is it not ? I never believed that I would spend money on cosmetic items like this but that livery is absolutely stunning. The Python is a good ship too, a great all rounder that's capable of trading at every port, fending off attacks by pirates and finding its way into every corner and getting out again intact.

Let's have another look :
Pretty. I haven't taken the Odo's Courage out of the hangar yet though. Haven't had time. (Plus watching Salvation on Netflix also uses the screen that the internet spaceships go on). The name is for Rene Auberjonois, who played Odo in Star Trek Deep Space 9. He's the latest of a succession of people who have been lost to the world in recent weeks.

Odo was a fantastic character in Deep Space 9. Sensitive, wanting to learn, cynical, relentless, caring. Starting as a unique individual, we saw him questing to find where he belonged in the galaxy. What were his origins, who were his people. Who would he be able to call family. Odo went through so many trials throughout the series and this remarkable character set the tone for so much of DS9.

I've remarked about how the voice actors in Mass Effect brought their characters to life. Rene Auberjonois did the same wherever I've seen him. I've sadly not seen him in much, DS9, Librarians, Warehouse 13, NCIS, ST Enterprise, SG-1 but it was a privilege to see his work.

Definitely one we'll miss, as will the others like Mr Troi, Roxette's Marie Fredriksson and so many others. And it felt fitting to name this ship after Odo.

There have been other Pythons ... (It's a great ship)
That one isn't mine and exploded not long after this screenshot was taken. (Night vision was active so I could see the rocks)
This one was Shipka, named after a tradition from Katherine of Sky. Everything gets a "-ka!" after the name. Including internet spaceships. It felt like something fun to do at the time. Still does :-D
And that's the back end of the Python from my first game.

There will be more shots of Pythons later. Oh ... sketchiness may have happened :
And then more sketch :
There are a few paint jobs with patterns like that :-).

See you tomorrow for "Explosion". Uhoh ...

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