Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Back to werk ...

So much for 2011 Xmas break :-)

Back to work tomorrow. I needed the long break as the batteries were running down. I've filled it with some gaming, taking advantage of Steam sales to get a few more for the collection. I managed to resist going berzerk on getting games I'd rarely play too.

It's not all been gaming though. Itunes tells me I've listened to at least 844 different music tracks since being away (recently played list doesn't count duplicates) and I've been struggling to stay ahead of all the recorded Xmas telly so much I've only watched 1 blu-ray. Hanna is a film very much worth watching although it earns its 12. Oddball characters, bonecrunching action backed up by an excellent soundtrack and a decent plot.

What have I been watching ?

Well - I currently have about 12 films recorded with Megamind and Dawn Treader being the highlights so far. There's also been :

Buffy - now at end of season 5
10th Kingdom - wonderful theme (Wishing on a Star) and passable story. Worth a second watch.
Deadliest Catch - this had a series break during the last season and I missed the second half. Caught up now :-)
Shaun and the Dead is on now - moderately amusing.
A Bridge Too Far - World War 2 film of the failed Operation Market Garden.
Sherlock season 2 - loved the first episode, likely to preorder the blu-ray.
Terra Nova - enjoyed this series, hopefully there will be a second.
Ice Road Truckers - still decent although it might be outliving its time and wearing itself out.
Puss In Boots - saw this one at the cinema, it's a good laugh. Well worth catching before it disappears ...
Doctor Who Xmas special - was ok but nothing brilliant. The strength of the current writer is in setting up series arcs, his individual Xmas episodes can be a bit weak.
There's been more too as I try to keep the box clear.

Stuff I started to watch but abandoned :

Snow Queen - first heard of this a few years ago and it inspired a nickname. The Snow Queen of the story steals the heart of the bellboy. I sadly gave up on the TV miniseries after being bored for an hour. Besides, the shallow one on screen doesn't compare to our Snow Queen.
Season of the Witch - Nicolas Cage film. Didn't last long.
Brain Dead - not sure when I'll learn that cheap flicks on horror channel will rot your brain.

Think there were a few more abandons too but I've managed to banish the memory.

Managed to get out to the Mall for the sales, although I didn't actually pick anything up. I think I've already bought the stuff I actually want or need.

Still - back to work tomorrow. And right back into keeping ahead of the game in terms of what's been going on over the Xmas break. It'll be good to catch up.


  1. Sounds like you had a good break :) I needed one too as 2011 was hell on toast work-wise.

    I enjoy Ice-Road Truckers too. have you seen the new series 'Deadliest Roads' where they sent them to drive in the mountains of India? Hairy stuff!

  2. Deadliest Roads had Lisa ... definitely watched that :-) Alabama Dave came over better in Deadliest Roads too.

    The Ecuador series should be good.


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