Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - "Now and Then"

2 pictures today ... This is "then", a screenie from 1984 of a ship approaching a space station. It's from the Wikipedia entry for Elite.

This is "now", or more precisely a couple of weeks ago while I was moving stuff around.

Eve Trinity is pretty :-)


  1. It absolutely blows me away how far the state of the art has advanced in such a short amount of time. I remember the first time I loaded Flight Simulator on an Apple IIe (yup, I'm dating myself...). It was little more than stick graphics on a green screen. But the concept was incredible, and as I took off and climbed out, I felt like we were on the verge of something transformational.

    Fast forward to today and often I can't tell the difference between animation and reality. It's a privilege to be able to witness this revolution.

  2. Aye - cos we've been in at the start, we've been able to watch how they've steadily improved the moving image bit by bit (pixel by pixel?) with small steps.

    It was weird watching Beowulf, for the first few minutes we really weren't sure whether what was on the big screen was real or animation. The first travelling camera shot gave it away :-)

  3. I never thought of it as witnessing a revolution but carmi is right.

    my son had Nintendo games and recently remarked that he's "amazed" at some of the stuff out there now and that it made him feel "old'

    wow - I'm the mother of something old OY!


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