Thursday, July 24, 2008

Technobabble never hurt anyone

At least, I don't think so ...

I'm seeing the two extremes of Technobabble tonight, first up was Wall-E and now it's Star Trek - Deep Space Nine. It's been ages since I watched DS9 and I figured I'd give it another go. Same with Voyager, I've been watching that again too.

I seem to remember DS9 improving in the later series but they're really submerging under the technobabble rubbish that really doesn't make sense ... Things like needing someone to tap a button to turn on containment fields after a hole got punched in the hull of the station. Come On People ! That kind of thing would be under automatic control ... Plus if a hole in a corridor made a big gust in a command centre that should be behind a heap of closed doors, then I'm sorry that's just asking for the old cliche "Were they born in a barn ?"

Muahaha - I guess I've been spoiled by higher class sci-fi like Heinlein, Banks, Weber, Clarke, Asimov and Niven. (And a few more on top of those too) However, DS9 does have the gorgeous creature that is Terry Farrell and then the too cute for words Nicole de Boer in the final season.

On the other end of the technobabble scale is Wall-E. This is the latest Pixar film, from a studio that has the gift of producing what really are kids films but can be enjoyed to the full by adults. It makes their films special. Things like the robot Eve floating around, without them needing to explain how. Different types of robots that behave as programmed machines but animated with a definite personality all their own. There's a certain bit of magic to how they put it all on screen.

I almost said this with Hancock but I'll definitely say it for Wall-E :

This is a Must See Movie !

PS It's too darn hot now - hopefully that's the sign of a good thunderstorm soon :-) And the person in the meeting room today who turned the air conditioning OFF needs a visit from the Huggy Jacket Men.
PS2 I miss doing Thursday Thirteens ... I need a good idea for a theme to run a 13 on ;-)


  1. Totally agree with you about Wall-E. We took the kids to see it, and we were transfixed. Pixar has the Midas touch when it comes to producing movies that connect with audiences of all ages. No wonder they've never failed at the box office.

    Whenever I'm feeling a little down, I know that I'll feel better after popping a Pixar DVD into the machine. They're just that good, on so many levels.

  2. Yep - they're so good that other studios try to copy them with films like Madagascar ...

    Same basic idea, make a movie that's animated and tries to connect with all audiences but they just don't have the combination of character, comedy, simplicity and just quality story that Pixar consistently produce.


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