Sunday, May 18, 2008

Cricket Season is Rainy Season

We've just had one of those typical English cliches with the weather ...

During the second half of April and early May, we got the sunshine. So much that the heating went off quickly, jumpers got consigned to the cupboard and eyeballs started popping out due to the much shorter outfits on display :-)

That was until Thursday that is ... Day 1 of the England v New Zealand Test Match at Lords in London.

Wednesday - bright sunshine
Day 1 Thursday - most of a days play, interrupted by various bad light.
Day 2 - not much play, bad light and rain.
Day 3 - we got about 30 minutes in before ... more rain.

Hoping for better from today and tomorrow, there's still a chance of a result but only in England's favour. There's simply not enough time left in the game for New Zealand to get a win. Lots of cricket will mean I can make more of a dent in Chasm City by Alastair Reynolds. It's not a bad book but hasn't really grabbed me the way a good Heinlein book would.


  1. Don't I know it! The weather is awful here in Britain.

    Michele sent me.

  2. Not all that much better over here either! Fall has apparently broken back out. Except the Spring showers are still coming down.

    It's all very confusing.


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