Monday, July 16, 2012

Pink Summer Lording Sport

More all sorts today ...

There's a few things lately that have set off the That's Silly alarm.

Olympics are coming ! My summer leave period is spookily going to coincide with the first week. I'll watch as much Olympics as I can fit in. Or I'll try to. I'd like to head off for one of the events too but looking at the tickets page, the options are all deeply Meh :

Artistic Gymnastics, Football, Weightlifting, Beach Volleyball, Volleyball, Boxing, Diving.

Hockey's on the list - hockey's ok. Unless it's Mixed Hockey, which is a bloodbath not for the faint hearted. Put a hockey stick in the hands of a woman and there's only one thing to do : RUN LIKE HELL. Or be in goal where you're covered head to toe in armour.

So I don't think I'll go to any events, looking at the tickets available but I'll watch it until my brain melts. And then I'll switch over to the 2nd England vs S Africa Test Match which starts on Thursday 2nd.

House of Lords "reform" ...

You have to seriously wonder at what's in the heads of the people supposedly leading our country. House of Lords isn't about privilege, although there are members of it that seriously abuse privilege. (If you're a Lord, you should occasionally attend the house). Being in the House of Lords isn't a privilege, it's a responsibility. It's an unelected body who's aim it is to keep the elected monkeys in check. They don't make law, they stop bad ones. And the people we vote in are a bunch of morons.

Democracy is a great system of government when you have viable people to vote for. And we're sorely lacking in those at the moment. It would be handy to have a mechanism of De-Lording a Lord but they're really there to keep the MPs from doing really stupid things like ...

Setting the speed limits to 40mph on rural roads.

Who came up with this one ? And did they really expect it to be followed ? The speeds they set for GB roads tend to be seen as a minimum speed, not a maximum. Not many people keep to the 40 limits around here and you get the occasional psycho doing 60 in the 30s. So if the limits were set back to 40, you'd get 80mph muppet coming round blind bends and whacking the 40mph people. It's not Actual Speed that's dangerous, it's Speed Differential. When there's a big difference in speed, that's when things get very dangerous.

There's too much sense of immortallity coming from driving our tougher modern cars. People are doing daft things like Speed Limit + 30 or using mobiles while driving.

That's enough ranty mode for now though.
Abolishing the Lords - bad. It'll let the politicians run riot and do stupid things.
Reducing the speed limit - bad. It'll make the roads far more dangerous.

Been running at Ultra Hyper today. Not sure completely why - there's a few possibilities :

Nattering to various people and trying to make some of them smile
Shaking my head at one fella who we're hoping won't damage himself through overwork
(hey ! that could be me too ! too late - already messed up my shoulder - lol)
Thinking my eyes have made an improvement
Being insanely busy at work
Realising that I may need to buy yet another belt
(it's regularly going on another tighter hole now)
Maybe something I've eaten too (there's something to that "need fish" thing)
Getting bought stuff on Steam :-) :-) :-)
(someone must like me !)

Sporty stuff - this weekend's going to be busy too ... After the disaster which was the Eve Alliance Tournament stream yesterday, I'll not bother with the finals next weekend. I'll be busy enough with shoehorning in Cricket and Formula 1 (unless it rains and takes the cricket off the field).

Talking of rain ... Having a silly amount of rain this summer June/July. I have a strong feeling that the pink bat grip I got a month ago (it really is a month ago - I checked!) isn't going to see service on a cricket field this year. Yeah - I reckon it's a good chance we'll get an almost completely washed out summer season.

That's quite sad. And another reason why I'm glad I didn't go through with making a massive thing of the Pink Hat Project. To be ruthlessly honest there, I don't think my fragile ego would have coped well with what I anticipate would have been a general response of "that's nice, now what were you doing again ?" to me hunting sponsorship.

Hunting for charity cash is a really thankless task at the moment. Money's tight. I'd feel bad if someone I got cash off for a fairly anonymous charity later had to stop doing something they enjoy because they couldn't afford it. Too many charity people guilt you into giving with variations of "It's for charity ... mate" with the inference of the "mate" factor diminishing if you don't give. I hate that. And it's partly down to a colleague from >10 years ago who was everyone's friend when collecting but didn't want to know at other times.

I'll happily give cash to charities that I trust but my psyche isn't set up for the collecting aspect.

So yeah - Pink Hat Project, if I'd gone ahead with it fully, would have been a damp squib. But on the bright side ... No more hose pipe bans !

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