Wednesday, June 05, 2019

A Meme of Questions

Another meme spotted ! And I can usually not resist these. This is the internet though, so I can't give exact answers for a few of them. Here goes !

* How old are you: Older than the stars, younger than their planets. Or is that the other way around. Either way, indeterminate age. People seem to think I'm younger than I am, which probably comes from me looking to go for the fun stuff instead of boring stuff.

* Surgeries: Just the one, the second nose job.

* Tattoos: None. I do get curious about the art that people cover themselves with but if they have the attitude of "You have no tattoos, you are weird." then I'll find other people to talk to. We shouldn't be preaching to others how they should live their life. Have tattoos if you want them, make them awesome ones if you do. I've just never had that urge to get one.

* Broken a bone: Several, just a couple (wrist and nose) properly diagnosed but the cricket definitely took its toll in bones over the years.

* Ridden in an ambulance: Actually no ...

* police car: Yep, I got invited to see how fast they recorded me going but they let me off with a "We can't caution you this time".

* Ice skated: Yes. Several times, didn't get on with it and the ice wasn't a fan of me either. Or maybe it was, judging on how it seemed to have an uncontrollable attraction for me.

* Ridden on a motorcycle: No. Curious about it but not enough to let the curiosity override the fear of loss of life or limb.

* Stayed in hospital: Yes, see Nose Job 2. It was just overnight though.

* Skipped School: Don't think so. Can't remember. Skipped various classes at uni though, to a cost.

* Watched someone die: Nope. Seen the lead up but never the actual end. What you see in the last days stays with you, although it's better to remember the times when people are much more alive than to remember the end. Remember their best times.

* Pepsi or Coke: Depends really. I will have either and will aim for the variety Diet. However, can't tell a difference between Fat Pepsi and Thin Pepsi but there's definitely something I don't like about Fat Coke. Whatever one I get will depend on a) whether it's being sold and b) which is cheaper.

* Favorite season: Summer. As in cricket season. Bit hot though.

* Received a ticket? No. I was literally 0.04mph away from one. Although I did get the car towed away once to an impound because the people who the tow truck was really called for were taking up the parking spaces.

* Favorite Colour: It varies. Blue is good. I choose red as in the Blood Red Banner often for strategy games, which kinda reflects the way I intend to play the game. But I do like the green of the Pocket Dragons.

* Sunset or sunrise: Sunset is pretty. Although both are things to be watched instead of driving into them.

* Beach or mountains : Mountains I think, although I think I'd really prefer somewhere quiet, chill, flat with lots of fresh air and peace ...

* Who will play this with you: The person I nicked this from put "Who cares?" and .... same !

* Cat or dog: Dog. WOOF.

* Watch someone give birth? No

* kids: None.

* Samsung or iPhone: Samsung for phone ... but it's crap as a phone and the Android software is just not dialled in perfectly as it should be. There are lots of silly daft things that are off, or interactions in the phone like Bluetooth vs Power Management or the bloatware that just spoil it. I still use an iPhone 5 for the car music, it still works so I've never seen a reason to pay money to move the music to the Android phone.

* Favourite alcohol: I rarely have alcohol but when I do, I do like white wine.

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