Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Old Meme, remembered

People have had me looking for a cake joke just now and I found an old meme ... You know me and memes, can't resist. And I couldn't resist updating this one.

But ... cake ?
Cake from the archives ! This was great cake.

Meme ?

The idea is that you will learn a lot of little things about your friends that you probably didn't know already. It's going to be curious how many of these have changed since the original post in 2006.

1. What time did you get up this morning? Awake 0710 ish, on the bus at 0730. My morning routine resembles a terrified realisation that quite soon I will be in work and terror can be a powerful motivator. (I skip breakfast at home, have a teacake at work and gradually wake while on the bus).

2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds are more sparkly ? Yep. Same answer.

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? That time it was Narnia. This time it was Battle Angel Alita, which I would highly recommend for a bit of anime style action fun.

4. What's your favourite TV show? Currently, it's Star Trek Discovery because it pulls off what it does with a certain style and it has continually kept me guessing as to where it's going to go.

5. What did you have for breakfast this morning? TEACAKE !

6. What's your favourite cuisine? Pizza. Yep. Still pizza.

7. What foods do you dislike? Foods that are too mushy or are hassle to eat.

8. What is your favourite crisp flavour? The Flaming Bacon type flavour.

9. What's your favourite CD at the moment? It was Alisha's Attic Vaults cd 1 back then but I've since developed a heavy Nina Persson addiction and it's between the A Camp self titled album and Long Gone Before Daylight by The Cardigans.

10. What kind of car do you drive? Back then it was a Puma, now it's a Lexus IS300h. Both are fantastic cars in their own ways.

12. What characteristics do you despise? Misplaced Arrogance - gotta agree there. Still the same.

11. Favourite sandwich? Ham tea cakes. Not had one of these in years ! (I don't keep butter in the house any more because I waste it by not using it quickly enough)

13. Favourite item of clothing? Clothing with no holes in the wrong places. Jeans, t shirt, leather jacket. Same ! I have a newish T-shirt with a kitty in a ball of string that says "It was like it when I got here !" that's a favourite (link !).

14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Kennedy Space Centre on the way to the Moon. No change here !

15. What colour is your bathroom? Blue and yellow (I haven't repainted it since moving in). And it's still the same colours.

16. Favourite Brand of clothing? I avoid clothing brands that put their name on the item as they're not paying me to advertise their stuff. No change there, although I would happily recommend Genki Gear and Fuzzballs (link)

17. Where would you retire? Caribbean probably - cos of the cricket. Might not like the heat there though. Not any more, due to attitude of people observed while the cricket coverage is on. Now it would be on a canal barge, touring the canals.

18. Favourite time of day? Getting home from work. Same ! Oh and stream time or any time I get nice messages from good people.

19. What was your most memorable birthday? Can't remember many of these ... The last few when I've had gifts :-D

20. Where were you born? Birmingham. No change there ! I have not been cloned since the writing of the last post. I think.

21. Favourite sport to watch? Cricket. No change there !

22. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? It's not really a sending back to thing any more ....

23. Person you expect to send it back first? See above

24. What fabric detergent do you use? Was Persil. I actually have issues here now due to my outsides. Believe it or not, I am allergic to hypoallergenic washing blobs. Nowadays it's Persil blobs (still!) and Tesco softener, although I'll switch the softener when it runs out.

25. Were you named after anyone? No. Don't think so ...

26. Do you wish on stars? No. Although they are very nice to look at.

27. When did you last cry? 17 - just before going into an exam. (Tears weren't due to the exam !). That's changed ! The tears come a little more often now, the emotions seem to have woken up a bit more. Last time was actually Friday, with a few tears pulled out in bits of Alita.

28. Do you like your handwriting? Nope. Can barely read it. And ... it hasn't improved much at all.

29. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? Aye - Unless I'd rubbed me up the wrong way. Haha, no change there.

30. Are you a daredevil? Yep. I'll risk stuff, although I do wear a helmet when batting now. I'm older now but I'll still go for stuff. It's just moderated by what my body currently lets me do.

31. Do looks matter? Only to those who don't look at the personality beneath the looks. Are they worth knowing ?

32. How do you release anger? I get aggressive and try to release the aggression on sport. I try to redirect the anger/aggression into driving myself harder. Tough one, I don't think this has changed much, except I don't have that release in sport. I generate much less anger now because I redirect it into better emotions.

33. Where is your second home? Lincolnshire with the parents. Same !

34. What class in High School was totally useless? Previously : Foreign languages. Make them speak English ! Muahahaha. (heh - kidding). Now : Religious Education.

35. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Yep. When I can, although sarcasm tends to be destructive and I prefer to use constructive humour. I try and use it more now too, hiding daftness behind words that take a little time to decipher.

37. Favourite movie? Previously : Sky Captain. What would it be now ? The Martian is right up there, Rogue One. Must watch Sky Captain again.

38. What are your nicknames? Then - Sleepypete or Ice. Now, I've adopted Sleepydwagonman as the nickname I tend to use online.

39. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Yes - makes it easier to get them back on. No change.

40. Do you think that you are strong? Reasonably - can hold my own in cricket but I suffer from injuries too much. Haha, not any more ! My legs are probably above average strength but they're not getting the exercise at the moment while my arms are affected by really unhappy shoulders.

41. What's your favourite ice cream flavour? Vanilla. It's Mint Choc now.

42. What are your favourite colours? Then : Red, blue. Yellow for cars. Now : Blue's a good one, last two cars have been dark grey metallic, which has worked well with them.

43. What is your least favourite thing about yourself? Easily distracted, absent minded. Add "has difficulty with wrods" to that now.

44. Who do you miss most? The dogs. Oh yes. Muttleys are awesome. Add my dad in there too.

45. Do you want everyone you sent this to send it back? Muahahaha - maybe :-) Lol, if anyone who sees this does a copy/paste/change, let me know !

46. What colour pants are you wearing? Then : Dark blue, unless you're going by the American definition in which case it's black. Now : Erm ... exactly the same. And they're not the same two items of clothing. Oh wait ! Switch them around. And no the underpants are not on the outside.

47. What are you listening to right now? Then : 3 phone conversations and 2 people (inc me) tapping a keyboard. Wonder what the other person is doing ... An Enter Elysium video, Heychrissa streaming on the laptop and the current iTunes track is "It", the first track on the Chaleur Humaine album by Christine and the Queens.

48. Last thing you ate? Then : King Size Twix. Now : a small Smarties Easter Egg. Yes. I have no shame in that. HA !

49. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Then : Rainbow. Now : probably green for the dragons.

50. Last person you talked to on the phone? Then : Mortgage people. (Wonder what that was for ? It was +1year after I had to remortgage). Now : a fella at work about a training solutions meeting tomorrow.

51. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite s*x? Then (I believe being sarcastic !) Hair. Unless I'm sitting down or they're way taller than me - then it's breasts. Now : eyes and what the eyes are saying in their silent way, curiously though, I can never remember someone's eye colour. Then hopefully a smile :-D. The grin tends to bring out an answering smile.

52. What's your favourite drink? Coke (diet). Same !

53. Do you wear contacts? No but I have glasses on through most of my waking hours. Now - I still have the same glasses I had back then. I need new ones ....

54. Favourite Day(s) of the Year? Christmas, days out of work and the day I bring the donuts in to work (sometime near birthday). No change ! Although add in Comic Con plus the Lords trip in the summer.

55. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Then : Happy Endings but endings that are definite. I.e. not a Spielberg multiple ending. Now : happy endings. Movies that have a satisfying ending.

56. Summer or winter? Cricket season. <- br="" this.="">
57. Hugs Or Kisses? Hugs, although anyone I know who I spot with Iceangel is in danger of a good tickling. Now : Hugs are awesome.

58. What Is Your Favourite Dessert? Then : Chocolate fudge cake - must resist ... Now ? Hmm. Still cake ! Although the lunchtime thing if I have cake is usually a lemon muffin.

59. What Book are you currently reading? Then : The Apocalypse Troll by David Weber. Now : Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky.

I meant to slot a few tasty pictures in there to break it up but I think the way I copy/pasted it in made the format go a little wibbly ... However !
Historical accuracy is everything.

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