Monday, January 07, 2019

Movies and Book - Spiderman Arrival Rising Evil

A few things to mention today ....

Haha, partly because going into depth on 2 of them will lead to massive spoilers !
Yep. Gratuitous use of spider picture. The spiderfriend above is a gift from FuzzyFreaks (link on the right hand column) who is a lovely, crazy, batty, funny streamer who I've been enjoying watching over the last 6 months since finding the channel.

Recommended. Check her out, at the moment especially if you're interested in pirate sailing games. Yep, the Fuzzy One is well and truly addicted to Atlas, a pirate ship MMO.

First film of the day ! Spiderman into the Spiderverse. This one is an animated charmer of a movie, opening with its star, Miles Morales. He gets bitten by a spider and .... you know what happens after that. Definitely an origin story movie but .... you gotta start somewhere. It brings in a number of other great characters along the way, including more than a few surprises.

I cannot recommend this movie sufficiently. After being somewhat in the doldrums over the Xmas break, this film kinda hit that reset button and got me charged up again. (Haha, until the next day when lack of sleep was getting the better of me).

Go see it and .... I think it's one of those films that genuinely benefits from being in the cinema too with the scale of the visuals. I'd see it again in the cinema before it goes, given the excuse.

(Yes, that's giving you the excuse to give me the excuse to watch it again).

I watched Arrival today after getting home from work. A curious film. It goes back and forth in a way you cannot truly comprehend. At least not until you've seen it all the way through.

It starts with an alien ... incursion ? Visitation ? Anyway, the aliens are here in 12 ships spread around the globe and no one can find a common frame of reference in which to communicate with them. Until that is, our Louise appears and gets to figuring it out.

Mind bending film. Definitely recommended.

Rising ?

First completed book of the year is Persepolis Rising, book 7 of the Expanse series. This follows the trend of the 6 before, in that it starts off a new trilogy in the series. So this one is set a few decades after the sixth book and the crew of the Rocinante are figuring out what to do next, when all hell breaks loose.

As it does.

Not sure what to make of this book and I'm somewhat in fear for the success of the series. I'll get the next two books (when they drop in price ... and when they're written !) so I get the complete story. I kinda have an unfinished business feeling with series that I don't finish, even if I'm not enjoying them too much. I have to Know.

Anyway, there's a bit of an Irresistable Force vs Immovable Object theme going through this book and ... I wasn't convinced this time that the set up and scenario made sense the way it did with the previous books. The nemesis is rather too strong in this case.

But perhaps that's straying too close to spoiler territory. If you've read the previous 6 books, you know you're going to get this book for the continuation of the story. If you haven't read the others, then you can only start with the first book, Leviathan Wakes.

Last one ! Resident Evil, The Final Chapter.

You know what to expect here. Lots of zombies, guns, Milla Jovovich kicking butt, absolutely zero sense in the story. This time, they start off a little bit of time after the last one finished and revisit old territory. Alice is going back to the Hive.

A fairly enjoyable romp too but ... as for a few of the entries above, you wouldn't be seeing this one unless you've seen the previous films.

So ...

For the thinkers - Arrival was really good.
For absolute fun - Spiderman into the Spiderverse is a must see.
For the space opera - The Expanse continues its epic tale.
For BRAINZZZZZZZZZ - Resident Evil.
For madcap capers in a pirate boat - FuzzyFreaks playing the Atlas.

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