Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Did somebody mention meme time ?

From the Facebook feed :

It's meme time and harder than you think! No cheating & using Google. every answer must start with the first letter of your first name.

I'm actually going to use 4 names and letters here. There's Sleepy, there's Pete, there's Dwagonman and then there's Iceangel, my favoured game name. (Yeah, some of you know me as Keela too)

But first - there's been a new budget announced today and ... someone who sets that budget is something that rhymes with runt. (That is a word that I will never utter in company but you know precisely what it is and the connotations of it as a swear word - it's possibly the worst swear word in the vocab which accurately describes the feelings towards him.) It makes you want to join the union so you can go on strike, or escape ever worsening conditions and working expectations (I've been doing 3x posts for 6 months now and 2x posts for much longer than that) and head into the private sector.

That's bad stuff though !
Meme time ...

Name: Pete, Sleepy, Ice or Dwagonman. I've adopted all of those, a couple are by choice, a couple were given.
Dwagonman - from donating one of these as a raffle prize, plus most of my avatars are Dragon related.
It's my Twitter handle too. If you know my real name and get contacted by someone on Twitter using that, it's not me. Twitter asked me to confirm an account made in my name and with one of my emails, which came as a surprise to me. Beware impersonators.

Animal: Dogs are awesome, watch what you say around Parrots (it may get repeated and haunt you), Snakes are smooth and I don't think Iguanas would live in igloos.
Boys name: Paul, I know a few of those. Stephen, David and Ian. Not sure why I've put the Ian there but Stephen and David are special names.
Girls name: SKYE ! Hello Skye :-) I know an awesome Pamela too and then there's Ingrid and Debbie. Don't actually know an Ingrid (name off top of head) but a Debbie pointed me at this meme.
Occupation: Slave (what I'm feeling at the moment after seeing the budget info), Pleb (see budget comment), Downtrodded and Indignant. There's also Public Servant.
Colour: Purple is always epic. Silver is for shiny things, which are always pretty. Indigo is almost purple, so that's pretty epic too. And ... Dark blue. (Couldn't think of a colour without the descriptor as a cheat)
Beware red.

Something you wear: Denim summer jacket, Pants (although I may know someone who runs around commando), Sleeveless jumper, Invisible Aura of Cool (it's there, no one can see it)
Drink: Pepsi (I know brandnaming but it tastes better than coke for me), Irn Bru, Doom Bar (a beer) and Beer.
Food: PIZZA !!! What else could it be ? Donuts (I know, unhealthy, you may tut but see pic), Ice Cream and Sausages. That's a weird combination, although technically you could have it in a cinema.
Something you find in the bathroom: Shower rail, Pole for the shower rail, Indecency (depends how much steam you're making - haha), Deodorant (ok, I cheated and stole an answer)
Place: Portsmouth, it has ships. Desk, chained to it without proper reward (can you see an angry theme slipping out through this post ?), India and Sofia Gardens where England are playing cricket at the moment (ok, it's called something else now due to company sponsorship but Sofia Gardens is its original, true name)
Reason to be late: PIZZACOMA !!! Sleeping Sleepy, Dragons burned my homework and ... Inconvenienced (could cover all sorts of misdemeanours)
Band/Singer: Pretenders are coming up soon (thematic song link), Sleeper were awesome when they still did music (here's one from way back), Dirty Vegas have one wonderful acoustic track in their repertoire (Days Go By) and then there's classic heavy metallers Iron Maiden (Infinite Dreams).
Sport: Pool, Snooker (hey ! you can wake up now !), Dominos (pokes the people who are sleeping again), Irritating Fools (yes, it's a sport and I happily indulge in it when the mood takes me)
Put a blank copy in your comments so your friends can play too - will do !

There's been a little theme running through this post. I'm genuinely angry at a certain politician and his privileged life and I'm happy to say I didn't vote for the .... (very naughty word deleted). One last pic for Mr Osborne.
Too much anger for one day, fun is better. Hopefully you can pick out the fun from within the angry stuff :-).

1 comment:

  1. It's meme time and harder than you think! No cheating & using Google. every answer must start with the first letter of your first name.
    Boys name:
    Girls name:
    Something you wear:
    Something you find in the bathroom:
    Reason to be late:
    Put a blank copy in your comments so your friends can play too


So much for anonymous commenting ... If you would like to leave a message and don't have a suitable account, there's an email address in my profile.