Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Into reading again

With the irritation of RSI coming from too long engaging the enemies of humanity with mouse and key and the loss of sleep that comes from furthering the cause of the Horde, I'm trying to get back into reading.

There's another reason, at the start of the year I put myself up a challenge of looking to read books in an A to Z. I've been updating that as the year goes but there's 8 months gone now with 14 of 26 read. Need to get back into reading to hit the 26.

However ... The A to Z is feeling somewhat restrictive, there's books I want to read that have already had the gap filled. Books like Game of Thrones, which my sister has lent me. Or Polar City Nightmare to follow Polar City Blues (Katherine Kerr does sci-fi). The two Polar City books are bad examples because they can fit the gaps. I just got the next Lost Fleet book by Jack Campbell, it got released this week and on the strength of the first six has jumped the queue to be The Next Book.

I think I'll start recording the books that don't fit as Bonus Books. And of course I'm not recording all the stuff I read at work, that is far too Interesting to be put in a public place - muahaha. Except when I mention the people who make it worth coming in. I have them worried because I've told too many people about my poorly leg.

Erm - this was supposed to be about books ? Get back to the point Marine !

Latest finished book is Battle Of The Fang by Chris Wraight.

It's another in the Space Marines Battles series, which have a common theme of taking the superhuman (literally) warriors of the Warhammer 40k universe, putting them into impossible situations and seeing what comes out the other side. This time it's the Space Wolves legion up against the Thousand Sons traitor marines in a follow up to the Prospero Burns Horus Heresy book which I haven't read.

This one is not a bad read, although I think my interest in the Space Marines Battles books is rapidly dwindling. The dramatis personae have suitable gravitas but turn somewhat into caricature. There's big action going on but your interest in truly caring about what's happening is low.

Maybe it's because it's not a Helsreach, a Titanicus or a Dan Abnett Ghosts book. It just doesn't seem to have the same impact as the others, maybe due to similarity with the other two Space Marine Battles books I've read.

Looking forward to The Next Book, I get the feeling there may be another mini-book-review coming next week :-)

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