Sunday, June 03, 2018

Book 18 - Babylon's Ashes ... and a holiday

Feels weird to be going back to work tomorrow !

Also hot. It feels a bit too warm at the moment.
Book first. I'm up to Book 6 in the Expanse series. I'll slow down now though because 2 books haven't been written yet and the 7th is still more expensive than I want to pay. (Handy tip - don't rush to spend cash if you don't have to).

I'm always a bit wary about doing the book reviews because of the spoiler potential. Nobody wants the spoilers. That reminds me ! Must check what someone thought of the Solo movie. I was underwhelmed, although that could have been due to being in the low side of my particular mental cycle. It felt like a movie that was out to tick as many lore boxes as it felt it had to, without any particularly good inspiration of its own. Rogue One was a far better movie for me, I must watch it again soon.

Anyway ! The Expanse.

Book 6 moves on the story with more in the tale of the Free Navy. It feels like these books are going to be in a series of 3 acts, with each act being 3 books. This book and the previous one massively redraw the map of the Expanse universe and this one wraps up a few threads from before ... including a death of a major character. That's one thing about the Expanse novels, you never really can tell if people are going to be safe although I get the feeling that the core 4 characters will survive all the way through to the 9th book which may owe a lot to the series origins as a role playing game.

I felt that Book 6 was a better book than number 5, which had a particular job to do ... and I'll be looking forward to when book 7 goes a little cheaper.

I need to figure out which book is next actually ... as I suspect that I'll finish my current book tonight if I get to the reading of it. More on that another day.

Holiday stuff :

Should have done some work around the house - didn't. (This is probably what generates the low mood - guilt).
Healing up - to an extent, although I really need to leave my legs alone so they have a chance to heal.
Games - Battletech is still awesome and ... I have reactivated Warcraft.
Addiction - Warcraft is very addictive. I'm almost at level 110 already and somehow managed to find a Legendary item. That's two for my characters !
Video watching - I've caught up on the youtube watching ... Well, at least as far as I take it. I avoid watching multiple series of the same game at the same time. It gets confusing.

And general me - I feel a bit more rested, although heat tends to beat rested feelings out of me quite quickly.

Anyway - Expanse Book 6. A worthy continuation of a very good series of books so far. It evolves its situation and its world but doesn't break it like some series of novels I know.

Recommended !

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